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Search panels

The predefined search panels all display search results based on the parameters and incoming arguments that are sent with a panel query.

For mandatory arguments for all panels including request URL format, see Panel query.

Autocomplete panel

Risk of incorrect usage

Incorrect settings of the argument search_attributes can prevent the Autocomplete panel from utilizing event data properly.

Incorrect settings of suggest can result in poor product data backfill for autocomplete.

Performance and experience improvement

A query to the autocomplete panel can be sent on every key-press, but a debounce on 50 ms is recommended to avoid unnecessary requests while still creating a smooth experience for the visitor.

The result of a query to this panel is a list of complete search phrases, given a beginning of a search phrase. Completions are ordered "best first". The intended use of autocomplete is with a search box where a visitor can select a completion from the autocomplete result. The completion is then used as a standard search query that will return results to a Search hits panel.

Search phrases returned as completions are normalised versions of phrases that have previously been used with searches on the site. If the suggest property is enabled for product attributes, these values will also be returned as normalised versions in the completions.

Before a search phrase is regarded as relevant for autocomplete it must be confirmed by a visitor. A specific search phrase can only be confirmed once per visitor session. The confirmation is performed when the visitor interacts with a result in the Search hits panel through click, adding to cart, or purchase.

Confirmed searched phrases are rated higher than those returned by the suggest attributes. The rank of a search phrase is based on the number of confirmations performed by visitors. Phrases returned by the suggest attributes are ordered based on the combined sales of all matching products. For autocomplete to properly use suggestions the search_attributes in the Autocomplete panel must match the search_attributes in the Search hits panel. Best practice is to always use the same values for search_attributes in all panels involved in search. The active exposure strategy as set in the Business app, as well as active boost and bury may affect the ranking of products and variants in the product data backfill.

A filter may be passed as an argument with the query. The autocomplete function guarantees that once the search function is executed with a completion from the list, the search result must contain at least one product from the filter selection.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this panel.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
filter An expression defining a set of products or variants. This set defines permissible results of the completions. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string A comma-separated list of search attributes used for suggestion validation. A typed format is also available to enable searching in category attributes. The search_attributes must be consistent with the search_attributes for the Search hits panel which the autocomplete is intended to be used for. Will return an empty result if omitted in the query. name,brand
search_prefix string The beginning of a search phrase. Only search phrases with this prefix are returned. Note that for suggestions from the product data, the attribute value has to start with the search_prefix. If the format of the attribute is a list, each list element is a separate candidate. Will return an empty result if omitted in the query. red d
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Completions before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first completion in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Completions after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: 1 ≤ window_firstwindow_last ≤ 20.
Required argument.

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments search_attributes=product_name, search_prefix=b, window_first=1, and window_last=3 to return product data.

      "_autocomplete": [
              "name": "_autocomplete",
              "ticket": "Oy9fYXV0b2NvbXBsZXRlOyM7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7",
              "path": "/_autocomplete",
              "description": "Suggests complete search phrases for the search box.",
              "displayName": "_Autocomplete",
              "attributes": {},
              "resultType": "completions",
              "completions": [
                      "text": "bikini",
                      "relevance": 20.99999970144706
                      "text": "bomber jacket",
                      "relevance": 0.8385903001139803
                      "text": "bikini bottoms",
                      "relevance": 0.40835690000281843

Category search panel

The result of a query to this panel is a list of the categories that match the search_phrase in at least one search_attribute. Categories are ordered by best matching and most relevant categories first.

The arguments root_category and max_categories must be included in a query to this panel.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
category_filter filter An expression defining the category set to search in. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. active:'true'
filter An expression defining a set of products or variants. Only categories with products in the filter will be returned. All categories, including empty categories, are included if a filter argument is omitted in the query. in_stock:'true'
max_categories int The maximum number of categories that will be returned. The following bounds apply: 1 ≤ max_categories ≤ 10 000.
Required argument.
string A comma-separated list of the attributes in the category data to present. Default presentation attributes are used if omitted in the query. image_url,link
category A tree and category key on the format: <tree>:'<category key>'. Only sub-categories of this category (and their sub-categories and so on) will be included in the result.
Required argument.
string A comma-separated list of which configured category search attributes to search for the search phrase in. A typed format is available, but only category attributes will be considered by this panel. Will return an empty result if omitted in the query and search_phrase is provided. All categories in the filter are returned if omitted in the query and no search_phrase is provided. display_name,tags
search_phrase string The search phrase to search for in the category data. Search will only be performed in the listed search_attributes. All categories in the filter are returned if omitted in the query. jeans

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments search_attributes=display_name, search_phrase=towel, root_category=category_ids:'root', and max_categories=3 to return category data.

      "categorySearch": [
              "name": "category-search",
              "ticket": "Oy9jYXRlZ29yeS1zZWFyY2g7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7Izs",
              "path": "/category-search",
              "description": "Displays a list of category search hits from a query.",
              "displayName": "Category Search",
              "attributes": {},
              "resultType": "categoryList",
              "categoryList": [
                      "tree": "category_ids",
                      "key": "home_teatowel",
                      "ticket": "Oy9jYXRlZ29yeS1zZWFyY2g7IztjYXRlZ29yeTtjYXRlZ29yeV9pZHM7aG9tZV90ZWF0b3dlbDsjOyM7Izs",
                      "parentKey": "home",
                      "displayName": "Tea Towel",
                      "productCount": 10,
                      "attributes": {}

Category suggestions panel

Risk of incorrect usage

Incorrect settings of the argument search_attributes can prevent the Category suggestions panel from utilizing event data properly.

Incorrect settings of suggest can result in poor attribute data backfill for category suggestions.

The result of a query to this panel is a list of category objects, including requested presentation_attributes, given a beginning of a search phrase.

Category suggestions are primarily selected based on previous event data. The suggestions are categories that have high correlation to completions of the given search_prefix. A backfill is taken from categories where attribute data match the search_prefix.

The maximum number of categories in a result is 20.

The arguments root_category and max_categories must be included in a query to this panel.

For specific cases, the Autocomplete panel can be used with category attributes in the search_attributes argument. This allows for completion texts based only on category attributes.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
category_filter filter An expression defining the category set to search in. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. active:'true'
filter An expression defining a set of products or variants. Only categories with products in the filter will be returned. All categories, including empty categories, are included if a filter argument is omitted in the query. in_stock:'true'
max_categories int The maximum number of categories that will be returned. The following bounds apply: 1 ≤ max_categories ≤ 20.
Required argument.
string A comma-separated list of the attributes in the category data to present. Default presentation attributes are used if omitted in the query. image_url,link
category A tree and category key on the format: <tree>:'<category key>'. Only sub-categories of this category (and their sub-categories and so on) will be included in the result.
Required argument.
string A comma-separated list of which configured category search attributes to search for the search phrase in. A typed format is available, but only category attributes will be considered by this panel. Will return an empty result if search_phrase was provided. All categories in the filter are returned if omitted in the query. display_name,tags
search_prefix string The beginning of a search phrase. Only category suggestions associated with this prefix are returned. Note that for suggestions from the category data, the attribute value should preferably start with the search_prefix. Returns an empty result if omitted in the query. jea

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments search_attributes=display_name, search_prefix=t, root_category=category_ids:'root', and max_categories=3 to return category suggestions.

      "categorySuggestions": [
              "name": "category-suggestions",
              "ticket": "Oy9jYXRlZ29yeS1zdWdnZXN0aW9uczsjOyM7IzsjOyM7IzsjOw",
              "path": "/category-suggestions",
              "description": "Suggests categories based on a search prefix.",
              "displayName": "Category Suggestions",
              "attributes": {},
              "resultType": "categoryList",
              "categoryList": [
                      "tree": "category_ids",
                      "key": "men_sport_tops",
                      "parentKey": "men_sport",
                      "displayName": "Tops",
                      "productCount": 80,
                      "attributes": {}
                      "tree": "category_ids",
                      "key": "men_tshirtstanks",
                      "parentKey": "men",
                      "displayName": "Tshirts & Tanks",
                      "productCount": 352,
                      "attributes": {}
                      "tree": "category_ids",
                      "key": "ladies_maternity_tops",
                      "parentKey": "ladies_maternity",
                      "displayName": "Tops",
                      "productCount": 199,
                      "attributes": {}

Did-you-mean panel

Risk of incorrect usage

Incorrect settings of the argument search_attributes can prevent the Did-you-mean panel from utilizing event data properly.

Incorrect settings of suggest can result in poor product catalog data backfill for did-you-mean.

The result of a query to this panel is a list of suggestions for corrections of given a search phrase. Corrections are ordered "best first". The intended use of did-you-mean is with a search box where a visitor can select a correction from the did-you-mean result. The correction is then used as a standard search query that will return results to a Search hits panel.

Search phrases returned as did-you-mean suggestions are normalised versions of phrases that have previously been used with searches on the site. If the suggest property is enabled for product attributes, these values will also be returned as normalised versions in the suggestions.

Before a search phrase is regarded as relevant for did-you-mean it must be confirmed by a visitor. A specific search phrase can only be confirmed once per visitor session. The confirmation is performed when the visitor interacts with a result in the Search hits panel through click, adding to cart, or purchase.

Confirmed searched phrases are rated higher than those returned by the suggest attributes. The rank of a search phrase is based on the number of confirmations performed by visitors. Phrases returned by the suggest attributes are ordered based on the combined sales of all matching products. For did-you-mean to properly use suggestions the search_attributes in the Did-you-mean panel must match the search_attributes in the Search hits panel. A recommendation is to always use the same values for search_attributes in all panels involved in search, or to create a specific Did-you-mean panel per search panel. The active exposure strategy as set in the Business app, as well as active boost and bury may affect the ranking of products and variants in the product data backfill.

A filter may be passed as an argument with the query. The did-you-mean function guarantees that once the search function is executed with a correction from the list, the search result must contain at least one product from the filter selection.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this panel.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
filter An expression defining a set of products or variants. This set defines permissible results of the suggest phrases. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string A comma-separated list of search attributes used for suggestion validation. The search_attributes must be consistent with the search_attributes for the Search hits panel which the did-you-mean is intended to be used for. Throws an exception if search_phrase was provided name,brand
search_phrase string The search phrase that should be corrected. will return an empty result of omitted in the query. red dress
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Suggestions before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first suggestion in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Suggestions after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: 1 ≤ window_firstwindow_last ≤ 20.
Required argument.

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments search_attributes=brand_name, search_phrase=meyer, window_first=1, and window_last=3 to return did-you-mean data.

      "didYouMean": [
              "name": "did-you-mean",
              "ticket": "Oy9kaWQteW91LW1lYW47IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7Izs",
              "path": "/did-you-mean",
              "description": "Suggests spelling-corrected search phrases.",
              "displayName": "Did You Mean",
              "attributes": {},
              "resultType": "corrections",
              "corrections": [
                      "text": "mayer",
                      "relevance": 0.6280901000032494

Product suggestions panel

Risk of incorrect usage

Incorrect settings of the argument search_attributes can prevent the Product suggestions panel from utilizing event data properly.

Incorrect settings of suggest can result in poor attribute data backfill for product suggestions.

The result of a query to this panel is a list of products given a beginning of a search phrase.

Product suggestions are primarily selected based on previous event data. The suggestions are products that have high correlation to completions of the given search_prefix. A backfill is taken from products where attribute data match the search_prefix. Each product in the result contains the best variant that match the search criteria. The active exposure strategy as set in the Business app, as well as active boost and bury may affect the ranking of products and variants in the product data backfill.

The maximum number of products in a result is 20.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this panel.

For specific cases, the Autocomplete panel can be used with product attributes in the search_attributes argument. This allows for completion texts based only on product attributes.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
filter An expression defining the product and variant set to find search hits in. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string A comma-separated list of the attributes in the product data to present. Default presentation attributes are used if omitted in the query. name,brand,image_url
string A comma-separated list of which configured search attributes to search for the search phrase in. A typed format is also available to enable searching in category attributes. Will return an empty result if search_phrase was provided, but there are no matches within provided search_attributes. name,brand
search_prefix string The beginning of a search phrase. Only search phrases with this prefix are returned. Note that for suggestions from the product data, the attribute value has to start with the search_prefix. If the format of the attribute is a list, each list element is a separate candidate. Will return an empty result if omitted in the query. red d
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Products before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first product in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Products after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: 1 ≤ window_firstwindow_last ≤ 20
Required argument.

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments search_attributes=product_name, search_prefix=t, window_first=1, and window_last=3 to return product suggestions.

      "productSuggestions": [
              "name": "product-suggestions",
              "ticket": "Oy9wcm9kdWN0LXN1Z2dlc3Rpb25zOyM7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7",
              "path": "/product-suggestions",
              "description": "Suggests products based on completions of search phrases for the search box.",
              "displayName": "Product Suggestions",
              "attributes": {},
              "resultType": "products",
              "products": [
                      "key": "0518648_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9wcm9kdWN0LXN1Z2dlc3Rpb25zOyM7cHJvZHVjdF9rZXk7MDUxODY0OF9lbi1VUzswNTE4NjQ4MDAxX2VuLVVTO09CSkVDVElWRSQ7Tk9ORTpOT05FOzk7",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0518648001_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9wcm9kdWN0LXN1Z2dlc3Rpb25zOyM7cHJvZHVjdF9rZXk7MDUxODY0OF9lbi1VUzswNTE4NjQ4MDAxX2VuLVVTO09CSkVDVElWRSQ7Tk9ORTpOT05FOzk7",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Tuxedo Pants Skinny fit"
                      "key": "0717608_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9wcm9kdWN0LXN1Z2dlc3Rpb25zOyM7cHJvZHVjdF9rZXk7MDcxNzYwOF9lbi1VUzswNzE3NjA4MDAxX2VuLVVTO09CSkVDVElWRSQ7Tk9ORTpOT05FOzk7",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0717608001_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9wcm9kdWN0LXN1Z2dlc3Rpb25zOyM7cHJvZHVjdF9rZXk7MDcxNzYwOF9lbi1VUzswNzE3NjA4MDAxX2VuLVVTO09CSkVDVElWRSQ7Tk9ORTpOT05FOzk7",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Top with Collar"
                      "key": "0735575_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9wcm9kdWN0LXN1Z2dlc3Rpb25zOyM7cHJvZHVjdF9rZXk7MDczNTU3NV9lbi1VUzswNzM1NTc1MDAxX2VuLVVTO09CSkVDVElWRSQ7Tk9ORTpOT05FOzk7",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0735575001_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9wcm9kdWN0LXN1Z2dlc3Rpb25zOyM7cHJvZHVjdF9rZXk7MDczNTU3NV9lbi1VUzswNzM1NTc1MDAxX2VuLVVTO09CSkVDVElWRSQ7Tk9ORTpOT05FOzk7",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Tulle Wedding Dress"

Search hit count panel

The result of a query to this panel is the number of products in a search result given the specified search phrase. Variant matches for a certain product will count as a product match. Even if several variants within a product matches, the product is only counted once.

The result can be filtered to only include particular types of products and variants. A search with the added search_phrase argument will only be performed in the provided search_attributes for the filtered data set.

The result will be approximated if the number of products exceeds 10 000.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
facets A pipe-separated list of selected facet values. Ignored if omitted in the query. color:red|blue,size:6
filter An expression defining the product and variant set to find search hits in. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string A comma-separated list of which configured search attributes to search for the search phrase in. A typed format is also available to enable searching in category attributes. Will return an empty result if search_phrase was provided, but there are no matches within provided search_attributes. name,brand
search_phrase string The search phrase to search for in the product data. Search will only be performed in the listed search_attributes. Selection and ranking will not be based on search phrase if omitted in the query. red dress
category A selected category on the form: <tree name>:'<category key>'. Only products from this category and its sub-categories will be included in the result. Products from all categories are considered if omitted in the query. category:'Ladies'

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments filter=category:category_ids:'root', search_attributes=product_name, and search_phrase=towel to return search data.

        "searchHitCount": [
                "name": "search-hit-count",
                "ticket": "Oy9zZWFyY2gtaGl0LWNvdW50OyM7IzsjOyM7IzsjOyM7",
                "path": "/search-hit-count",
                "description": "Displays the total number of hits from a search query.",
                "displayName": "Search Hit Count",
                "attributes": {},
                "resultType": "count",
                "count": 64

Search hits panel

Risk of incorrect usage

The Search hits panel should be used when explicit searches are performed by a visitor, i.e. when the visitor has entered text in a search box and requests a result.

The Search hits panel should not be used for any other product listings, such as start page product listing or category product listing. The Product list panel must be used in such cases.

The result of a query to this panel is a list of products and variants given the specified search phrase. A search with the added search_phrase argument will only be performed in the provided search_attributes for the filtered data set. Additional arguments can be supplied to order the result list and more.

The result is a list of product elements, each specifying all presentation attributes and the list rank of that product. Each product contains the variants matched by the filter and relevant to the search phrase and attribute. Variants are ranked in the same way as products. The active exposure strategy as set in the Business app, as well as active boost and bury may affect the ranking of products and variants in the result.

The maximum number of products returned in a result is 10 000.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this panel.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
facets A pipe-separated list of selected facet values. Ignored if omitted in the query. color:red|blue,size:6
filter An expression defining the product and variant set to find search hits in. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string The locale of the sorting when the sorting is made by value. Value sorting will be made in ASCII order if omitted in the query. sv-SE
string A comma-separated list of the attributes in the product data to present. Default presentation attributes are used if omitted in the query. name,brand,image_url
string A comma-separated list of which configured search attributes to search for the search phrase in. A typed format is also available to enable searching in category attributes. Will return an empty result if search_phrase was provided, but there are no matches within provided search_attributes. name,brand
search_phrase string The search phrase to search for in the product data. Search will only be performed in the listed search_attributes. Selection and ranking will not be based on search phrase if omitted in the query. red dress
category A selected category on the form: <tree name>:'<category key>'. Only products from this category and its sub-categories will be included in the result. Products from all categories are considered if omitted in the query. category:'Ladies'
search_order Specifies in which order the products and variants should be sorted. Secondary orders can be given using a comma-separated list. Defaults to relevance if omitted in the query. price asc
variants_per_product int The maximum number of variants per product to include in the result. No maximum limit. 10
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Products before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first product in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Products after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: 1 ≤ window_firstwindow_last ≤ 10 000
Required argument.

Example panel content

The following example will use the panel arguments search_attributes=product_name, search_phrase=towel, window_first=1, and window_last=3 to return search data.

      "searchHits": [
              "name": "search-hits",
              "ticket": "Oy9zZWFyY2gtaGl0czsjOyM7IzsjOyM7IzsjOw",
              "path": "/search-hits",
              "description": "Displays a window of search hits from a query.",
              "reportTag": "search",
              "displayName": "Search Hits",
              "attributes": {},
              "resultType": "products",
              "products": [
                      "key": "0519169_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9zZWFyY2gtaGl0czsjO3Byb2R1Y3Rfa2V5OzA1MTkxNjlfZW4tVVM7MDUxOTE2OTAwMV9lbi1VUztPQkpFQ1RJVkUkO05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0519169001_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9zZWFyY2gtaGl0czsjO3Byb2R1Y3Rfa2V5OzA1MTkxNjlfZW4tVVM7MDUxOTE2OTAwMV9lbi1VUztPQkpFQ1RJVkUkO05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Beach Towel"
                      "key": "0338175_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9zZWFyY2gtaGl0czsjO3Byb2R1Y3Rfa2V5OzAzMzgxNzVfZW4tVVM7MDMzODE3NTAwMV9lbi1VUztPQkpFQ1RJVkUkO05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0338175001_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9zZWFyY2gtaGl0czsjO3Byb2R1Y3Rfa2V5OzAzMzgxNzVfZW4tVVM7MDMzODE3NTAwMV9lbi1VUztPQkpFQ1RJVkUkO05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Hand Towel"
                      "key": "0377455_en-US",
                      "ticket": "Oy9zZWFyY2gtaGl0czsjO3Byb2R1Y3Rfa2V5OzAzNzc0NTVfZW4tVVM7MDM3NzQ1NTAwMl9lbi1VUztPQkpFQ1RJVkUkO05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                      "variants": [
                              "key": "0377455002_en-US",
                              "ticket": "Oy9zZWFyY2gtaGl0czsjO3Byb2R1Y3Rfa2V5OzAzNzc0NTVfZW4tVVM7MDM3NzQ1NTAwMl9lbi1VUztPQkpFQ1RJVkUkO05PTkU6Tk9ORTs5Ow",
                              "attributes": {}
                      "attributes": {
                          "product_name": [
                              "Hand Towel with Embroidery"

Search hits with count zone

This panel is a zone containing instances of Search hits and Search hit count panels as sub-panels. Arguments to this zone are a combination of the required arguments for the two sub-panels. The result of a query to this zone is a combination of the panel content that can be retrieved by the two result panels.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this zone.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
facets A pipe-separated list of selected facet values. Ignored if omitted in the query. color:red|blue,size:6
filter An expression defining the product and variant set to find search hits in. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string The locale of the sorting when the sorting is made by value. Value sorting will be made in ASCII order if omitted in the query. sv-SE
string A comma-separated list of the attributes in the product data to present. Default presentation attributes are used if omitted in the query. name,brand,image_url
string A comma-separated list of which configured search attributes to search for the search phrase in. A typed format is also available to enable searching in category attributes. Will return an empty result if search_phrase was provided, but there are no matches within provided search_attributes. name,brand
search_phrase string The search phrase to search for in the product data. Search will only be performed in the listed search_attributes. Selection and ranking will not be based on search phrase if omitted in the query. red dress
category A selected category on the form: <tree name>:'<category key>'. Only products from this category and its sub-categories will be included in the result. Products from all categories are considered if omitted in the query. category:'Ladies'
search_order Specifies in which order the products and variants should be sorted. Secondary orders can be given using a comma-separated list. Defaults to relevance if omitted in the query. price asc
variants_per_product int The maximum number of variants per product to include in the result. No maximum limit. 10
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Products before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first product in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Products after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: 1 ≤ window_firstwindow_last ≤ 10 000
Required argument.

Search zone

This panel is a zone containing instances of Search hits, Search hit count, and Did-you-mean panels as sub-panels. Arguments to this zone are a combination of the required arguments for the three sub-panels with minor modifications.

The result of a query to this zone is a combination of the panel content that can be retrieved by the three result panels. The arguments window_first and window_last are normally used for showing a number of suggestions from the Did-you-mean panel together with any search hits. This is replaced with the argument number_of_suggestions which defines the number of suggestions that is returned by the Did-you-mean panel. In a Search zone, the arguments window_first and window_last are used for pagination of the search results returned.

The arguments window_first and window_last must be included in a query to this zone.

Panel arguments

Name Type Description Example
facets A pipe-separated list of selected facet values. Ignored if omitted in the query. color:red|blue,size:6
filter An expression defining the product and variant set to find search hits in. Defaults to UNIVERSE if omitted in the query. color:'red' OR color:'blue' AND in_stock:'true'
string The locale of the sorting when the sorting is made by value. Value sorting will be made in ASCII order if omitted in the query. sv-SE
number_of_suggestions int The number of suggestions that is to be returned by the did-you-mean sub-panel. Defaults to 1 if omitted in the query. 3
string A comma-separated list of the attributes in the product data to present. Default presentation attributes are used if omitted in the query. name,brand,image_url
string A comma-separated list of which configured search attributes to search for the search phrase in. A typed format is also available to enable searching in category attributes. Will return an empty result if search_phrase was provided, but there are no matches within provided search_attributes. name,brand
search_phrase string The search phrase to search for in the product data. Search will only be performed in the listed search_attributes. Selection and ranking will not be based on search phrase if omitted in the query. red dress
category A selected category on the form: <tree name>:'<category key>'. Only products from this category and its sub-categories will be included in the result. Products from all categories are considered if omitted in the query. category:'Ladies'
search_order Specifies in which order the products and variants should be sorted. Secondary orders can be given using a comma-separated list. Defaults to relevance if omitted in the query. price asc
variants_per_product int The maximum number of variants per product to include in the result. No maximum limit. 10
window_first int The first position in the list to be presented. Products before this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The position of the first product in the list is 1.
Required argument.
window_last int The last position in the list to be presented. Products after this position, according to the sorting, are not present in the result. The following bounds apply: 1 ≤ window_firstwindow_last ≤ 10 000
Required argument.

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All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.