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Admin app

The Admin app is where an administrator can manage users, access rights to apps and markets, as well as system configuration for locales, market currencies, and more.


App design and features are subject to change without notice. Screenshots, including simulated data visible, are for illustrative purposes only.

User management

The User management tab is where an administrator can add, remove, and edit user information and access.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Admin app User management home

All users must have a valid name and email address, and have access to at least one app (Business, Experience, Integration, Admin, and/or Email), one cluster (as configured by Voyado), and at least one market.

Additional user access settings for specific apps is managed within the user access dialogue window. For the Business app, access to the Exposure strategies, Boost and Bury tabs can be selected. For the Experience app, access to edit global synonyms (for all markets) can be selected.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Admin app User management dialogue window

Setting Description
Name The name of the user.
Required setting.
Email The email address of the user. An invitation to the apps will be sent to the user via email when their account is created.
Required setting.
Apps The apps the user will have access to. Current apps are Business, Experience, Integration, and Admin.
Required setting.
Clusters The clusters the user will have access to and use the apps in. The clusters are selected from a list of available clusters for the retailer in Elevate.
Required setting.
Markets The markets the user will have access to and use the apps in. The markets are selected from a list of available markets.
Required setting.
Business Additional settings for users with access to the Business app. Access for a user to the Exposure strategies, Boost and Bury tabs is set here.
Experience Additional settings for users with access to the Experience app. Access for a user to edit global synonyms is set here.
Integration Additional settings for users with access to the Integration app. Access for a user to the Credentials tab is set here.
Email Additional setting for users with access to the Email app. Administration access to the Email app is set here.


The Configuration tab includes settings for markets and permissions for changes to pages, and product card details.

Screenshot of Voyado Elevate Admin app Configuration tab


The markets configuration shows a list of the different markets available, their market identifier that is used for queries and notifications, and the currency for the market. Each market can be edited to control the name and currency for that market, as well as the preview base URL for category and landing pages, the search page preview URL, and the preview URL for default product list.

Pages permissions

The pages permissions section regulates what changes can be done to Pages from within the apps or via the page API. Permissions for changes to pages are based on the source of the change, either via the apps or the via API. Within each source, permissions can be set to allow for changes in the page and product selections, or in the product lists.


The following actions can be performed from the apps when allowed:

  • Allow page and product selection changes from the app
    • Add and remove pages
    • Add and remove product lists
    • Modify product selections
    • Modify page settings
  • Allow product list changes from the app
    • Pin products
    • Block products
    • Change list keywords
    • Change list facet selections
    • Change list sort orders


The following actions can be performed via the API when allowed:

  • Update existing pages from the API
    • Update pages
    • Update product lists
    • Update product selections
  • Update settings for existing pages from the API
    • Update pinning, blocking, keywords, facet, and sort order settings

Product Card Settings

The Product Card Settings include settings for Product cards within the Elevate Application.

Product Card Details

This feature empowers organizations to personalize the product card details displayed within the merchandising tool, ensuring that the information presented aligns perfectly with your unique needs and preferences.


This online publication is intellectual property of Voyado Lund AB. Its contents can be duplicated in part or whole, provided that a copyright label is visibly located on each copy and the copy is used in conjunction with the product described within this document.

All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.