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Getting started

Get started with the Voyado Elevate Email recommendations add-on by following a few easy steps.

  1. Verify that the Retailer requirements are met
  2. Verify that the Email Service Provider requirements are met
  3. Contact the appointed Customer Success Manager of the retailer to get access to the Email app.

With access to the Email app and a proper set-up for email recommendations, a retailer can continue on to configure the Email app for their site, create the product templates of their liking and launch their first personalized email campaign.

Assessing requirements

A retailer can always contact their Customer Success Manager for help with assessing the requirements to get started with Email recommendations.

Retailer requirements

The following requirements must be met by a retailer to enable Voyado Elevate Email recommendations.

  • Visitor identification must be properly integrated and a meaningful number of customers must be identifiable, e.g. be members or log in on a regular basis.
  • The Elevate cluster used by the retailer must be hosted in Europe.
  • A retailer must use an email service provider supporting listed technical requirements.

Email Service Provider requirements

A retailer must use an email service provider supporting the following requirements.

  • Dynamic timestamp for a generated email with a format supporting Unix epoch timestamp e.g. 1548423420, or ISO 8601, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss with offset, ±hh:mm:ss or Z (UTC), e.g. 2020-12-08T09:30:00Z.
  • Support for customisable data to retrieve an Elevate customerKey dynamically and create dynamic links with URL parameters, e.g.{{message.sendtime}}&customer_key={{contact.esalescustomerkey}}.
  • Customisable email templates with variables/dynamic content modules.

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