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An import of the cluster configuration is made through using the standard HTTP POST method, with personal cluster credentials provided during onboarding. Configuration imports can be used to set up new markets or remove existing markets and all related data. Requests to this endpoint should be made with care. See Configuration overview for more information.


Header parameters

Name Description Example
Api-key that was supplied during on-boarding pkA123456789AB1BE..
Content must be gzip encoded. gzip
Accept-Encoding Allows responses to be compressed using Gzip. gzip
Content-Type application/json application/json

Query parameters

Name Description Example
allowDestructiveImport If true, allows imports that removes existing markets or locales. If false or omitted, such imports will fail. false
blockingTimeout Maximum time to wait before getting a response. Valid values are in the range of 0 to 5 minutes. Defaults to 5 minutes. PT3M
name A name to identify the import in logs

Supported Content-Type


Request body

  "edit" : {
    "markets" : {
      "se" : {
        "locales" : [ "sv-SE", "en-GB" ],
        "appSettings" : {
          "name" : "Sweden",
          "currency" : "SEK",
          "pageBaseUrl" : "",
          "searchPageUrl" : "",
          "navigationUrl" : ""
      "uk" : {
        "locales" : [ "en-GB" ],
        "appSettings" : {
          "name" : "UK",
          "currency" : "GBP"


A config import must include exactly one of 'remove', 'replace', or 'edit'

Name Type Description Example
edit ConfigEdit The edit operation adds or changes the included markets
remove ConfigRemove The remove operation removes specific markets
replace ConfigReplace The replace operation fully replaces the configuration, removing all markets not included in the requests
curl -i \
-H 'Api-Key: pkA123456789AB1BE..' \
-H 'Content-Encoding: gzip' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"https://{cluster-id}" \
-T request-body.file.gz


Response codes

Status Description
202 The import exceeded the maximum time, and an identifier for the import will be returned which can be used to poll its progress. The maximum wait time is 5 minutes by default.
204 The import was valid and has completed.
400 The import was invalid or exceeds the contracted number of markets/locales. In case of the latter, please contact support if you wish to further extend your cluster.
403 Incorrect cluster credentials.
404 Cluster not found.
405 The import is not allowed due to incomplete upgrade. Perform a full v4 catalog import to upgrade.
409 An import is currently in progress.
500 Server error such as cluster unavailable, busy or internal error. If 5xx errors persist, contact support and attach any information found in the response body.
503 The server in the cluster that received the request is currently unavailable or busy. It is recommended to retry the request. The time between request attempts should be increasing.


Inner schemas


Name Type Description Example
currency string A currency symbol or string for the market, used in the Elevate app interface. Will default to * if not provided. Min length: 1. Max length: 2147483647. "GBP"
name string A human readable name for the market, used in the Elevate app interface. Will default to the market id if not provided. Min length: 1. Max length: 2147483647. "UK"
navigationUrl string If specified, previewing navigation changes in the Elevate app will take you to this url. Usually the root or a top-level node in the navigation tree.If not set, users will be asked to provide a link each time they use the preview feature. ""
pageBaseUrl string If specified, previewing page changes in the Elevate app will take you to a url consisting of the pageBaseUrl + the page's id or path.If not set, users will be asked to provide a link each time they use the preview feature. ""
searchPageUrl string If specified, previewing overrides for search & autocomplete in the Elevate app will take you to this url. Usually a page with access to the search box.If not set, users will be asked to provide a link each time they use the preview feature. ""


Name Type Description Example
<string, MarketDefinition> A mapping from market key to a market configuration


Name Type Description Example
string[] Which markets to delete. Deleting a market will delete everything on that market, including products and settings (promotions, pages, etc.)!


Name Type Description Example
<string, MarketDefinition> A mapping from market key to a market configuration


A complete or partial market definition

Name Type Description Example
appSettings AppSettings How the market should be presented in the Elevate app interface. It is highly recommended to provide a display name and currency for the market.
locales string[] A list of which locales this market should support. New markets must include at least one locale!

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All information found in these documents has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither Voyado Lund AB nor the authors shall be held liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

Software and hardware descriptions cited in these documents might be registered trademarks. All trade names are subject to copyright restrictions and may be registered trademarks. Voyado Lund AB essentially adheres to the manufacturer’s spelling. Names of products and trademarks appearing in this document, with or without specific notation, are likewise subject to trademark and trade protection laws and may thus fall under copyright restrictions.