The latest notifications received by Elevate can be viewed in this endpoint.
Header parameters¶
Name | Description | Example |
Api-Key Required | Api-key that was supplied during on-boarding | pkA123456789AB1BE.. |
Accept-Encoding | Allows responses to be compressed using Gzip. | gzip |
Content-Type | application/json | application/json |
Query parameters¶
Name | Description | Example |
limit | Maximum number of notifications to retrieve | 10 |
type | Notification type | click |
curl -i \
-X GET \
-H 'Api-Key: pkA123456789AB1BE..' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
Response codes¶
Status | Description |
200 | Query accepted, content flattened and serialised to a JSON list. |
400 | Invalid or missing required arguments. |
404 | Endpoint is not valid. |
503 | Service unavailable, no products found in the cluster. |
500 | Server error such as cluster unavailable or busy. The response body may contain more information about the error. |
Response body¶
"count" : 0,
"entries" : [ {
"cached" : false,
"contentKey" : 842,
"count" : 4,
"customerKey" : "0b05119e-eeb8-418a-bbfb-defa0dde417e",
"market" : "GB",
"paymentLines" : [ {
"quantity" : 2,
"variantKey" : "<VARIANT_KEY_FROM_YOUR_FEED>",
"cost" : 15.2,
"sellingPrice" : 39.0
} ],
"productKey" : "1001-100",
"sessionKey" : "0b05119e-eeb8-418a-bbfb-defa0dde417e",
"timestamp" : "2020-01-01T10:00:00+01:00",
"touchpoint" : "DESKTOP",
"type" : "click",
"variantKey" : "1001-100-1"
} ],
"info" : null
Response object for latest notifications requests
Name | Type | Description | Example |
count | integer | Number of entries returned | |
entries | NotificationEntry[] | a list of notification entries | |
info | string | Additional info, if any |
Inner schemas
Summary of a notification. Depending on which type of notification it is, some fields may not be present.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
cached | boolean | Whether the notification appears to have come from a cached result | false |
contentKey | string | Content key related to the notification, eg. for click | 842 |
count | integer | The number of recent search phrases removed (remove-recent-searches only) | 4 |
customerKey | string | Customer key included with the notification | "0b05119e-eeb8-418a-bbfb-defa0dde417e" |
market | string | The market it was sent to | "GB" |
path | string | The path from where the notification was sent | "/LANDING_PAGE/NAVIGATION_RESULT" |
paymentLines | PaymentLine[] | Payment lines for each item listed in a payment notification | |
productKey | string | Product key related to the notification | "1001-100" |
sessionKey | string | Session key included with the notification | "0b05119e-eeb8-418a-bbfb-defa0dde417e" |
timestamp | string | When the notification was received | "2020-01-01T10:00:00+01:00" |
touchpoint | string | Either DESKTOP or MOBILE | "DESKTOP" |
type | string | What type of notification this is. Supported values: click , add-to-cart , payment , add-favorite , remove-favorite , remove-recent-searches , remove-recently-viewed , ad-impression , end , unknown . | "click" |
variantKey | string | Variant key related to the notification | "1001-100-1" |
Name | Type | Description | Example |
quantity Required | integer | The quantity of the purchased product. | 2 |
variantKey Required | string | The unique key of the variant. | "<VARIANT_KEY_FROM_YOUR_FEED>" |
cost | number | The unit cost of the purchased product. It is strongly recommended to provide cost, either included in a payment notification or as an attribute in the data feed. For more information about cost, see Best practices. | 15.2 |
sellingPrice | number | The unit selling price of the purchased product. If excluded, Elevate will use the selling price from the data feed. When using custom prices in other currencies this should be the price in the base currency, i.e. the same currency as the non-custom price. | 39.0 |