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Campaign Reporting

Campaign reporting is available on the client dashboard and in the Campaign Statistics section. As an admin, you can view data for all clients, while users linked to a specific client will only see data for that client.

Beta feature

Retail Media features are currently in closed beta. Contact Voyado if you want to take part in the program.


The dashboard is available in the left-hand menu and provides a quick overview of active campaigns by default. You can effortlessly switch between paused and completed campaigns or apply a custom filter using the drop-down menu.


You can customize the table by adding or removing columns—just click the “+” icon. To sort the data by different metrics, simply click the header of the column you want to sort by.

Campaign statistics

To dive deeper into a specific campaign, click the statistics icon on the right-hand side. This option is available in both the “Product Campaigns” view and the table on the dashboard.


In the campaign drill-down view, you can visualize up to four different metrics simultaneously in a graph and adjust the time period to fit your needs. By default, the two metrics on the left are displayed, but you can easily toggle metrics on or off by clicking the checkmarks.

Below the graph, you'll find additional breakdowns by Device and Domain. The domain breakdown reflects the categories targeted by your campaigns.



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